Can't select new build

I cannot select my newly uploaded build in app store connect for review. The UI to select a different build is just gone. I have reached out to apple and they said they are aware and fixing it but its been a week since and nothing has changed.

I uploaded a build to be reviewed to app store connect, and it got rejected due to an issue with connecting to my server. I discovered the issue was that my server was using http rather than https and apple doesn't allow this. I including things in my info.plist to allow the http connection, and I think this could be what triggered this app store connect issue, but I think xCode would have told me there was info.plist issue with my build while trying to upload it so I don't know. I have since migrated my app to https and uploaded a new build and I still can't select it to be reviewed. Anyone else have any similar issues?

Can't select new build