App Store Notification


I am developing App Store Server to Server Notifications. (The app has already been deployed and is in operation.)

Test notifications in both the Sandbox and Production environments have been working correctly.

Additionally, I tested in-app purchases using a Sandbox account and confirmed that the server notifications are received.

However, when an actual purchase is made in the live app, the server notifications are not received.

Please provide the possible causes and solutions for this issue.

Answered by App Store Commerce Engineer in 794709022

@misutgaru, by chance are your purchase consumables/non-consumables? The new ONE_TIME_CHARGE notification for those is only available in Sandbox currently following its announcement at WWDC about a month ago.

Accepted Answer

@misutgaru, by chance are your purchase consumables/non-consumables? The new ONE_TIME_CHARGE notification for those is only available in Sandbox currently following its announcement at WWDC about a month ago.

App Store Notification