Resetting iPhone Mirroring credentials

I had iPhone Mirroring in MacOS 15 working, but something glitched on my iPhone and I had to perform a "Reset All Settings" and now I can no longer connect to my iPhone. I assume that some key has been cached when I connected initially, but I can't figure out how to reset the connection. Does anybody have any suggestion as to how to reset the connection?

Same Issue here ..... :(

Bump. I have looked all over to see how to reset this. At first, I thought that maybe there were credentials hidden in keychain, but I removed anything that looked like it might be related. On the iPhone, there is nothing in settings that seems to be related to the feature, and this isn't an app on the iPhone you can just open. When you first set this up, it asks you to login on the iPhone but I can't find a way to force that to happen again. There must be some kind of token that gets cached on the phone.

I have the same issue - its a loop where the mac asks to unlock the phone, then the phone asks for its pin, then the mac says try again, then the pin again and so on

In Beta 4 of MacOS 15, the iPhone Mirroring settings now has a "Reset iPhone Access" button. This fixes the problem.

Reset iPhone access failed.

What else can I try?

I have the same issue after changing my iphone. I finally solve it by re-enabling Handoff in my new iphone's settings.

I originally setup iPhone Mirroring with my iPhone 13 Pro. Now that I received my new iPhone 16 Pro, I am unable to setup iPhone Mirroring to it.

  • It always wants to connect to the iPhone 13 Pro.
  • When I use the "Reset iPhone Access..." in settings it always fails with: "Unable to Reset iPhone Access. Resetting iPhone access failed. Try again later."

As suggested above, I've turned "Handoff" off and on on my new iPhone 16 Pro with no effect.

I've retried combinations of doing all this with restarting all devices.

I am looked out of one of my favorite new features! 😩

I have the same issue here. Started when i got my new iphone and did a factory reset on the old one. Is there a fix to this?

Same issue here. Turning on or off handoff on mac and iphone doesn't work.

After reading many posts in several forum threads regarding tweaking handsoff, wifi, bluetooth, restarts and more, none of that worked for me. Closest was this "Reset iPhone access" in the mirroring app itself, but failing with the error people already described above.

So I decided to manually force clean such credentials. After some trial and error, here are the steps that worked for me:

  1. Close iPhone mirroring app completely
  2. Open your favorite terminal app
  3. Browse to ScreenContinuity user preferences folder:

$ cd ~/Library/Containers/

  1. Delete file

$ rm

  1. Open iPhone mirroring app again and you should be good to to.

If these steps helped you, please upvote! Thanks


made the trick for me too ... thanks for finding that workaround. Btw. for safety I added a


I don't have a 'containers' folder, at all.

Worked for me! followed same steps as instructed by Robertobado.

Resetting iPhone Mirroring credentials