Broadcast push being throttled with very little traffic


We've implemented the new Live Activity Broadcast push notifications ( and are testing this out in sandbox/development.

Looking at our logs I can see that we tried to send 54 broadcast notifications the last hour. 16 of these failed with "429 Too Many Requests".

We probably have no devices registered on any of the channels at the moment. These are all channels from the "Development" environment.

Any pointers to what could be wrong?



We can only guess as to what app you are having this issue with, but if your app Bundle ID matches com.x_____g.M_________a.__v we have seen that 45 notifications were sent within 1 minute, which is very much above the allowed limit. You may want to check your bursts, which, more often than not, are what will cause the 429 error. While the limits are not published, I can say that broadcast notifications are not meant to send real-time updates every second, but to be used in a more relaxed fashion. In any case, the 429 error is not fatal, and you can implement a pull-back algorithm to slow down your requests once you start getting the error.

If you have questions about how to best make use of broadcast notifications for your specific use case, please do not hesitate to ask.

Argun Tekant /  DTS Engineer / Core Technologies

Broadcast push being throttled with very little traffic