Request of CarPlay Navigation Entitlement when having the Driving Task one

I have the CarPlay Entitlement "Driving Task" and two of my apps use it.

Now, in both apps, I have implemented Navigation. I requested the Navigation CarPlay Entitlement when the feature was mature and builds were available in Test Flight, since I wanted to release the new versions of the apps with navigation available both on the iPhone and in CarPlay.

I got no answer to my request, so I decided to release the apps with only navigation in the iPhone and the Driving Task functionality in CarPlay, thinking that maybe being live with navigation in the App Store was a requirement. I have asked permission again, and so far, the request is being ignored again.

  • What are the requirements to get the Navigation CarPlay Entitlement?
  • If the app is approved for navigation, is there something else the app must do to get the entitlement?
  • Requirements for CarPlay Entitlements seem quite obscure, are they listed anywhere?
  • Is there a technical problem to move from an existing CarPlay Entitlement to another? Can that be the reason the entitlement has not been granted?

Some of my competitors have the CarPlay Navigation entitlement. My use case is the same (in a better app in my opinion, of course). But I am only getting bad reviews because "the app does not include the map in CarPlay" after the big investment in implementing navigation in the apps.

Any help or insight would be appreciated.

Request of CarPlay Navigation Entitlement when having the Driving Task one