Need free Apple developer account

I need signingkey, signingkeyId, TeamIdentifier and BundleIdentifier for a project (aws sns) but i want to have these in free apple developer account how can i do this, any help will be appreciated

Answered by ssmith_c in 795043022

Please see here

For your own use on your own machine, you can "sign to run locally", and make up a bundle identifier for your app. If you need restricted entitlements, you need a paid account to request them.

I don't know what you mean by "signingkey" and "signingkeyId". Are these Apple things or AWS things?

Please see here

For your own use on your own machine, you can "sign to run locally", and make up a bundle identifier for your app. If you need restricted entitlements, you need a paid account to request them.

I don't know what you mean by "signingkey" and "signingkeyId". Are these Apple things or AWS things?

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Need free Apple developer account