Blocking user access in forced update


I am currently building an app (which will be free while it's in beta) and was wondering if the following would be permitted/approved by Apple.

First of all, my app requires a connection to the internet to use it. Using a key that is part of the latest app build, it will make requests to a server and the server will check that the user has the latest key. If they don't, the response from the server will tell the app to display a message asking them to update and they won't be able to use any features of the app until they do. This is the first thing I am wondering if Apple will allow it.

The second thing is this. Sometime in the future I would like to force an update that will force users to select a subscription plan to continue using the app. I will also offer a 1 week or 1 month free trial as options.


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Blocking user access in forced update