Empty dSYMs folder since Xcode 15

Since I updated to Xcode 15.3, my archives have an empty dSYMs folder. I have not changed any project settings since Xcode 14.

  • My build settings have:
    • Debug Information Format: DWARF with dSYM File
    • Generate Debug Symbols: Yes
  • From my archives, if I navigate to the .xcarchive, Show Package Contents, there is a dSYMs folder. For all my archives built in Xcode 15, this folder is empty. For previous archives (Xcode 14), this folder contains a .app.dSYM file.
  • When I distribute my app via App Store Connect and receive crash reports from TestFlight, these are symbolicated.

So I'm confused why I don't see a local .dSYM file. Can you explain this? What do I need to change to generate this? (And does it matter if I'm getting symbolicated crash reports??)

Empty dSYMs folder since Xcode 15