The ABM device synchronization interface response is not a mailbox, but a user ID?

I have been running ABM to synchronize devices for some time now, but in recent days, when using the interface for synchronization, the response from the interface to the device's' Device-Assigned-by 'field has changed. The official website should return' The email of the person who assigned the device. 'However, what I received was a string of numbers, such as 275xxxxx, which corresponds to the ABM user's ID. Some devices may change the field to email again when synchronizing, but unfortunately some devices will always have these numbers. How can I recover the email?

There was an issue with the sync service which was resolved Monday morning. Full syncs were not affected, only the notification of changes. If your server still has the incorrect data you can resolve this by triggering a full sync which will contain the correct information for all devices. If that's not an option, you can try making a change to affected devices which has no effect, such as assigning the same profile to the device. That will send a sync for that device with the correct information.

The ABM device synchronization interface response is not a mailbox, but a user ID?