ViewController Not Displayed for 8th Tab in Elevated Tab Bar with More Than 7 Tabs

ViewControllers for the 8th and higher tabs are not displayed in the elevated Tab Bar. However, I am able to select these tabs both in the Tab Bar and the side bar.

func setTabs(){
        let colors = [,.systemGray6,.green,.systemMint,.cyan,.yellow,.blue,.magenta]
        var tabs = [UITab]()
        let range = 0...10
        for index in range {
            if #available(iOS 18.0, *) {
                let tab = UITab(title: "Tab_\(index)", image: UIImage(systemName: "globe"), identifier: "tab__\(index)", viewControllerProvider: {tab in
                    let vc = UIViewController()
                    vc.view.backgroundColor = colors[index%colors.count]
                    return vc

        tabbarController.setTabs(tabs, animated: true)
Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 797129022

This was a known issue that should be resolved in iPadOS 18 beta 4. Can you try again with the latest iPadOS beta? If you continue to run into issues, please file a feedback through Feedback Assistant with a sample project to help us investigate it.

Accepted Answer

This was a known issue that should be resolved in iPadOS 18 beta 4. Can you try again with the latest iPadOS beta? If you continue to run into issues, please file a feedback through Feedback Assistant with a sample project to help us investigate it.

ViewController Not Displayed for 8th Tab in Elevated Tab Bar with More Than 7 Tabs