"Font size adjustment feature" in Safari Browser.

Does anyone have experience with the "font size adjustment feature" in Safari? I am encountering an issue where this feature increases the zoom on all text elements despite my attempts to prevent it and no able to scroll.

Here are the methods I have tried so far:

  1. Media Queries: I added various media queries to control the font size and layout at different screen sizes, but this did not resolve the issue.
  2. Meta Viewport Tag: I included the "user-scalable=no" property inside the meta viewport tag to disable user scaling, but it had no effect.
  3. CSS Property: I applied the CSS property "-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;" to prevent automatic text size adjustments, but the problem persists.

Despite these efforts, Safari continues to increase the zoom on all elements. Does anyone have any insights or solutions to effectively address this issue?

"Font size adjustment feature" in Safari Browser.