How to get pushTokenUpdates when starting a Live Activity via Push Notification

I'm trying to build a Live Activity extension. I can successfully start my live activity via push notification. The problem is, when I start live activity from my app, I can get pushTokenUpdates since I control everything and run the for loop that gets pushTokenUpdates. But the code that gets pushTokenUpdates isn't called when I start live activity with push notification since system starts it automatically (maybe it is called, but I don't know when and where).

Where am I supposed to get pushTokenUpdates when I start Live Activity using push notification to send them to my server?

The relevant code is below:

for await data in activity.pushTokenUpdates {
    let token = { String(format: "%02x", $0) }.joined()
     Logger().log("Activity token: \(token)")
     // send token to the server

I have this problem too! There's no update token after the live activity starts, so we can't update and end the started live activity without the update token. How we can solve it? 😭

How to get pushTokenUpdates when starting a Live Activity via Push Notification