Hello, I would like to know if anyone has or still using the GKVoiceChat capabilities in their apps. I wanted to use it for my online game but I am coming across issues using it and wondering if their are alternatives?. The documentation mentions to use Share-play but that wont be possible with random online players. Any help will be appreciated!.
Is anyone still using GKVoiceChat since it has been deprecated?
The API is deprecated, but can you tell more about the issues you are seeing?
WWDR - DTS - Software Engineer
I understand that the API is deprecated.When it comes to using the GKVoiceChat for random online players, the voice chat has issues simply working. I followed how it was implemented on [creating real time games apple] website.(https://developer.apple.com/documentation/gamekit/creating_real-time_games/) but whenever I start an online match it fails to establish a voice chat.
When I tried to use GKVoiceChat.PlayerState to figure out what is going on the voice chat player state was showing unknown for both players.