On Log Noise - Debugging

I came across several "errors" being reported when I run my app, however my app seems to function correctly.

I believe they fall in the category listed on this ( now locked ) thread https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/115461

However, I wanted to post the ones I found to clarify ( close to submission) just in case any of these end up being more than just log noise later. PLEASE let me know if you've come across these before and whether they impacted anything or if you can confirm they are just log noise. Thanks in advance!

  1. -[RTIInputSystemClient remoteTextInputSessionWithID:performInputOperation:] perform input operation requires a valid sessionID. inputModality = Keyboard, inputOperation = <null selector>, customInfoType = UIEmojiSearchOperations

  2. AVAudioSession_iOS.mm:2,223 Server returned an error from destroySession:. Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 “The connection to service with pid 102 named com.apple.audio.AudioSession was invalidated from this process.” UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection to service with pid 102 named com.apple.audio.AudioSession was invalidated from this process.

  3. CAReportingClient.mm:532 Attempted to remove a reporter not created by this client { careporter_id=408,331,130,765,320 }

  4. load_eligibility_plist: Failed to open //private/var/db/os_eligibility/eligibility.plist: Operation not permitted(1) - I verified and this file is indeed in non read mode on my Mac for the user. However it affects nothing.

The following 2 pop up - although I have no explicit code or 3P code ( nor Ads) that require impressions - each time I click on the Game Center Access Point post authentication.

  1. Cannot add impressions because no tracker is specified by the metrics fields context. Did you forget to set one from your view controller or data source?

  2. Cannot add page fields because none are specified by the metrics fields context. Did you forget to add an PageMetricsPresenter to the object graph used for actions?

I get the top 2 errors on my app almost every time it launches

I get the error at no. 4: load_eligibility_plist: Failed to open /Users/.../Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/.../data/Containers/Data/Application/.../private/var/db/eligibilityd/eligibility.plist: No such file or directory

On Log Noise - Debugging