IOS 17.4 - 17.5 bug when copying and pasting HTML (rich) text

Hello we have created a function that is expanding copy module to support html format. Everything inside that function works fine but on 17.4+ IOS version copying the html element strike-through <s> tag is not working (other HTML elements are working fine) . Looking the logs seems like <s> are getting stripped. Also list that have indents won't work on paste indent is missing. Here is the code:

void copyToClipboard(NSString *htmlContent) {
    UIPasteboard *pasteboard = [UIPasteboard generalPasteboard];
    [pasteboard setValue:htmlContent forPasteboardType:@"public.html"];

Does anyone know fix for this or when this will be fixed or will it be fixed in next update?

IOS 17.4 - 17.5 bug when copying and pasting HTML (rich) text