I am developing an iOS application using Swift for iOS 10 which is going to leverage MDM provided per app vpn solution and would like to know if there is any best practice or such guide which highligts what netwok programming practice (sync/async, forground/background) I need to adhere and which networking APIs (urlseession, cfsocket , cfstream,uiwebview,wkwebview,bsd networking etc.) I can or can NOT use while writing this app.
The intent of asking this question is I couldn't find any explicit doucmentation that states above points and have seen people run into issues where the traffic originating from the applicaiton is not being tunneled by the MDM per app vpn. Some say that sync vs async network call effect this other say to do socket programming instead of url programming in the app to achieve a better comptability with per app vpn solution for my app.
To summaries my specific questions to apple are:
1. Do I need to worry about the way my app is doing netwoking on iOS if the app is going to leverage per app vpn on iOS?
2. If answer to 1 is yes, what are the best practices?
3. If answer to 1 is yes, does it also depend on the type of per app vpn solution I am using, for example approxy vs packettunnel?