VNRecognizeTextRequest2 did not recognize the upside down text of English text. VNRecognizeTextRequest3 can recognize the text even if English text is upside down. Till iOS 17, I can select VNRecognizeTextRequest2 or VNRecognizeTextRequest3 in my code which is minimum build is iOS16 when I need upside down text detection required..
But on iOS18, even if I set the VNRecognizeTextRequest2 in my code, result seems to be based on the VNRecognizeTextRequest3 because upside down text is detected. VNRecognizeTextRequest2 was deplicant on iOS18, I know. How can I recognize the observation result is upside down or not? Are there any solution with VNRecognizeTextRequest3?
If topLeft.y < bottomLeft.y, the text is upside down.