iOS18 using VNRecognizeTextRequest2 but VNRecognizeTextRequest3 used

VNRecognizeTextRequest2 did not recognize the upside down text of English text. VNRecognizeTextRequest3 can recognize the text even if English text is upside down. Till iOS 17, I can select VNRecognizeTextRequest2 or VNRecognizeTextRequest3 in my code which is minimum build is iOS16 when I need upside down text detection required..

But on iOS18, even if I set the VNRecognizeTextRequest2 in my code, result seems to be based on the VNRecognizeTextRequest3 because upside down text is detected. VNRecognizeTextRequest2 was deplicant on iOS18, I know. How can I recognize the observation result is upside down or not? Are there any solution with VNRecognizeTextRequest3?

Answered by YoshiyukiNakazato in 815836022
Accepted Answer

If topLeft.y < bottomLeft.y, the text is upside down.

iOS18 using VNRecognizeTextRequest2 but VNRecognizeTextRequest3 used