Many inputs to `MPSNNGraph::encodeBatchToCommandBuffer`

I understand we can use MPSImageBatch as input to

[MPSNNGraph encodeBatchToCommandBuffer: ...]


That being said, all inputs to the MPSNNGraph need to be encapsulated in a MPSImage(s).

Suppose I have an machine learning application that trains/infers on thousands of input data where each input has 4 feature channels. Metal Performance Shaders is chosen as the primary AI backbone for real-time use.

Due to the nature of encodeBatchToCommandBuffer method, I will have to create a MTLTexture first as a 2D texture array. The texture has pixel width of 1, height of 1 and pixel format being RGBA32f.

The general set up will be:

#define NumInputDims 4
MPSImageBatch * infBatch  = @[];
const uint32_t totalFeatureSets = N;

// Each slice is 4 (RGBA) channels.
const uint32_t totalSlices = (totalFeatureSets * NumInputDims + 3) / 4;

MTLTextureDescriptor * descriptor = [MTLTextureDescriptor texture2DDescriptorWithPixelFormat: MTLPixelFormatRGBA32Float
                                                      width: 1
                                                     height: 1
                                            mipmapped: NO];
descriptor.textureType = MTLTextureType2DArray
descriptor.arrayLength = totalSlices;

id<MTLTexture> texture = [mDevice newTextureWithDescriptor: descriptor];

// bytes per row is `4 * sizeof(float)` since we're doing one pixel of RGBA32F.
[texture replaceRegion: MTLRegionMake3D(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, totalSlices)
                mipmapLevel: 0 
                      withBytes: inputFeatureBuffers[0].data() 
                 bytesPerRow: 4 * sizeof(float)];

MPSImage * infQueryImage  = [[MPSImage alloc] initWithTexture: texture
                                                                                  featureChannels: NumInputDims];
infBatch = [infBatch arrayByAddingObject: infQueryImage];

The training/inference will be:

MPSNNGraph * mInferenceGraph = /*some MPSNNGraph setup*/;
MPSImageBatch * returnImage = [mInferenceGraph encodeBatchToCommandBuffer: commandBuffer
                                                                sourceImages: @[infBatch]
                                                                sourceStates: nil
                                                          intermediateImages: nil
                                                           destinationStates: nil];
// Commit and wait...

// Read the return image for the inferred result.

As you can see, the setup is really ad hoc - a lot of 1x1 pixels just for this sole purpose.

Is there any better way I can achieve the same result while still on Metal Performance Shaders? I guess a further question will be: can MPS handle general machine learning cases other than CNN? I can see the APIs are revolved around convolution network, both from online documentations and header files.

Any response will be helpful, thank you.

Many inputs to `MPSNNGraph::encodeBatchToCommandBuffer`