Mass deployment of certificates and marking it as trusted


I have a system, which is able to execute bash/zsh scripts on a set of machines.

The default behaviour is that the signature of the script is checked on the machine, which is executing it, and in case if it is not signed properly, the system rejects the execution.

An own certificate has to be created for signing the scripts, which means that the certificate has to be installed and marked as trusted on the target machines (which are executing the script).

I've been using : "/usr/bin/security add-trusted-cert ..." command to install the certificate on the machines as trusted.

Since macOS Big Sur, the above command was prompting the local user for admin credentials. To avoid this, Apple suggested to use the following command to temporarily disable and re-enable the confirmation dialog : 1.: /usr/bin/security authorizationdb write allow 2.: /usr/bin/security authorizationdb write admin

Now with the release of macOS Sequoia, the above command : "/usr/bin/security authorizationdb write allow" does not work any more. It gives the following output : NO (-60005)

I have the following questions : 1.: Could you please suggest an alternative way for IT administrators to install certificates on their machines, without any user confirmation? 2.: Could you please suggest how the same could be achieved using a bash/zsh script? In which context could the above commands : "/usr/bin/security authorizationdb write allow" and "/usr/bin/security authorizationdb write admin" still work?

Thank you for your help in advance!

I have the exact same issue on Sequoia, so you are not alone. I think I will open a support case with Apple and see if they have an updated method of doing this.

Apple intentionally changed the behavior of the security command. Adding a certificate to the trust store without user action or user disclosure is a security issue. It's exactly the kind of thing that malicious software would want to do.

I would suggest using MDM to manage the devices. With MDM you can automatically and remotely add certs to the trust store. You can also manage them on an ongoing basis: You can list certs, remove them, and rotate them when expiration nears.

If you still want to use a script to automatically add a cert to the trust store you still can, however there's a very large downside. You can disable System Integrity Protection (SIP). When SIP is disabled the security add-trusted-cert command can modify the trust store without user interaction. Of course, disabling SIP is very disruptive and requires user interaction, so this probably doesn't solve your problem. And most of all, disabling SIP significantly lowers the security posture of the device. It is not recommended to leave SIP disabled, so the full workflow would be: disable SIP, add the cert to the trust store, re-enable SIP. Because you'd have to do that workflow each occasion that you change the trusted certs, it's much more disruptive to the user than enrolling the devices in MDM.

@Device Management Engineer,

Thank you so much for your quick response.

I tried to achieve the same using an MDM solution (namely : JAMF) without success. Here is what I experienced : 1.: Importing a root CA can be done through JAMF, and it is marked as trusted 2.: Importing a non-root CA is also possible, but it cannot be marked as trusted using JAMF.

Would you happen to know of any MDM solutions that could support this functionality?

Thank you for your help in advance!

First let me provide some background. When a process running on an Apple OS does trust evaluation, there's roughly five sources of trust:

  1. Custom implementation. This is what Chrome does. It does not use OS services to do trust evaluation, so trusting a cert would have to be something specific to Chrome.
  2. Built-in trusted root certificates that Apple includes in its OSes. They are listed here and cannot be modified.
  3. CAs (self-signed) certificates added to the trust store via configuration profile or MDM. These can have partial trust or full trust as described here.
  4. Trust exceptions. This is visible when the user browses to a site in Safari and the cert isn't trusted. The user can visit the site anyway, which adds the site's leaf cert to a list of certs that are trusted anyway. This is also what a user can modify in Keychain Access in the Trust section of a cert.
  5. Customized trust evaluation. This is where the process requesting trust evaluation is using OS services (unlike the first category), but it's explicitly telling the OS to trust some certs it's providing. These only affect that one trust evaluation. This is typically used for cert pinning.

1, 2 and 3 only apply to CAs. 4 applies to leaves, and 5 applies to both. In order for a trusted CA to affect the result of a trust evaluation, the device must be able to build a valid chain from the leaf to that CA, so sometimes you also end up installing intermediates.

All the above explains why why importing a non-CA through Jamf doesn't work. It's using that third category, which only applies to CAs.

So with that background out of the way, I need to ask what benefit you're expecting to come from signing the script? That will help determine what is doing the trust evaluation, which of these categories will help, and how to best use them.

Keep in mind: Gatekeeper is involved with ensuring that potentially untrusted content that end users manually download themselves from the internet or outside of the App Store is safe to open:

Enrolling in MDM creates a more trusted management and content delivery channel, offering organizations additional ways to get content onto macOS.

If you're not already delivering these scripts via MDM, I'd suggest trying it out and seeing if you still run into the same problems.

If you continue to see the same Gatekeeper prompts as before, even when the scripts are delivered via MDM, I'd recommend reaching out to your MDM vendor's support for additional help - or filing a Feedback via Feedback Assistant with an attached sysdiagnose from the device where you're experiencing this.

Thank you for the detailed background!

Currently, our system performs signature verification on scripts before execution, ensuring the following condition is met: The script originates from a specific trusted source.

When this checks is successful, we consider the script safe for execution   We provide a B2B solution to our customers, with an agent on all devices, which (among other things) enables e.g. L1 and L2 IT teams to execute (only) pre-written quality controlled and signed scripts. Our current implementation is similar to your point “4. Trust exceptions”, except that the customer remotely (ideally through MDM) marks the leaf explicitly as trusted, without interaction from the customer’s employees (device users). The leaf certificate for script signing comes from a public root CA trusted by Apple (as in “2. Built-in trusted root certificates”), so that parties untrusted by us and our customers can also request leaf certificates. For remote script execution, we only trust specific leaf certificates deployed on the device.

We are planning to move towards the approach you described as category "1. Custom implementation.". However, we didn't anticipate the need to expedite this change due to Sonoma's new limitations on mass-deploying non-root CAs and marking them as trusted without user confirmation. We have customers that already rely on the solution based on the KeyChain. We would like to provide them with a temporary workaround they can use immediately.

Is there a temporary workaround we could go with until we update our product to do "1. Custom implementation." ?

Your advice would be very helpful.

Hi @szigetics_nt szigetics_nt, Thank you for you commands and i was able to trust the certificate by creating a package with composer and user these commands in this way through post install script.

sudo /usr/bin/security authorizationdb write allow

sudo security add-trusted-cert -p codeSign -p pkgSign -d -r trustAsRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain /private/tmp/Nexthink/SCTASK8557870_Nexthink.cer

sudo /usr/bin/security authorizationdb write admin

you can edit the script as per your certificate and requirement. Also, if you can with the command to temporarily disable and re-enable the confirmation dialog for macOS sequoia then it will greatley helpful

How to get around this? After upgrading to Sequoia, the script is failing. It won't even allow the script to execute "sudo security authorizationdb write allow"

  • sudo security authorizationdb read

YES (0)

  • sudo security authorizationdb write allow

NO (-60005)

In our case, the customer is installing our .NET application which is running a local website (on localhost via Kestrel). To make the website run secure (https), we create a self-signed certificate, add it to the system keychain and trust it (at least before Sequoia) - all automatically by the installation process.

Since trusting it is no longer possible because of the behavior change, what is the recommended approach to handle our case? I don't think we can use any MDM solution since it's our customer who is handling and installing our software (without MDM requirement or prerequisite).

So I'm looking for a proper way to still have our deployed website run secure on his end (without extra user interaction).

Mass deployment of certificates and marking it as trusted