500 Broker Service Response exception during Apple Pay In-App Provisioning

We tried to test In-App Provisioning in Production for our whitelisted app through TestFlight (Internal Testing Track) and we receive the following error response from PassBook during provisioning attempt, Could you please guide us?

Error Response from sysdiagnose PassBookUIService during In-App Provisioning attempt:

{ statusCode = 500; statusMessage = "Broker Service Response exception"; }

I reported the error in Feedback Assistant: ID: FB15791497 (500 Broker Service Response exception during Apple Pay In-App Provisioning )

Hi @VidhyaSri21,

We are looking into your report now. Please continue to use Feedback Assistant to receive status updates for your report.


Paris X Pinkney |  WWDR | DTS Engineer

@VidhyaSri21 did you got the issue fixed by Apple team? I got the same issue and submitted request about 1 month ago, but still no solution.

@VidhyaSri21 , I have also been facing the same encryption issue as on my Feedback assistant . I got an update from DTS that "The error is due to bad encryption. Please review whether your cryptography matches the expectations outlined in the Getting Started with Apple Pay: In-App Provisioning, Verification, Security, and Wallet Extensions (v4)" guide.

I have matched my encryption using test vectors, and the output matches my code's output.

Can you guide me, how did you get the exact root cause of your encryption?

500 Broker Service Response exception during Apple Pay In-App Provisioning