After using backup to setup my new Mac Mini my xCode App projects run ok in the Simulator but fail to Archive or Analyze with the error: "The specified item could not be found in the keychain." The item is a provisioning profile.
I was able to Run, Archive and Validate these projects on my old Mac Mini just before the final backup. Are there known problems in backup of provisioning profiles or keychains?
I have tried creating new profiles etc without success for several days. I'm not an expert developer so I'm hoping there is a simple solution.
Please suggest the best way to resolve and/or clarify this problem.
Interim solution - I was able to Archive my project on my wife's Mac Air (which I had last used 2-3 years ago) and then upload the build for App Store approval from my new Mac Mini.
I am also trying to recover my private key from a Time Machine backup of my old Mac and then import it to my new Mac
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