Capturing multiple screens no longer works with macOS Sequoia

Capturing more than one display is no longer working with macOS Sequoia.

We have a product that allows users to capture up to 2 displays/screens. Our application is using gstreamer which in turn is based on AVFoundation.

I found a quick way to replicate the issue by just running 2 captures from separate terminals. Assuming display 1 has device index 0, and display 2 has device index 1, here are the steps:

install gstreamer with

brew install gstreamer

Then open 2 terminal windows and launch the following processes:

terminal 1 (device-index:0):

gst-launch-1.0 avfvideosrc -e device-index=0 capture-screen=true ! queue ! videoscale ! video/x-raw,width=640,height=360 ! videoconvert ! osxvideosink

terminal 2 (device-index:1):

gst-launch-1.0 avfvideosrc -e device-index=1 capture-screen=true ! queue ! videoscale ! video/x-raw,width=640,height=360 ! videoconvert ! osxvideosink

The first process that is launched will show the screen, the second process launched will not.

Testing this on macOS Ventura and Sonoma works as expected, showing both screens.

I submitted the same issue on Feedback Assistant: FB15900976

Retested after Sequoia 15.3 release and the issue remains.

Capturing multiple screens no longer works with macOS Sequoia