I have an iOS app where I perform BLE scans using the scanForPeripherals() method in CBCentralManager, which requires the NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription permission. Recently, I added BLE accessory scanning using AccessorySetupKit, which requires the NSAccessorySetupKitSupports permission. This is to support the app on devices running iOS 18 (where AccessorySetupKit is available) as well as on earlier iOS versions (where this framework is not available).
However, I am facing an issue where including both permissions in the app causes NSAccessorySetupKitSupports to override the NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription permission. As a result, the scanForPeripherals() method in CBCentralManager no longer works on older versions.
Is it possible to use both scanning methods in the same app while ensuring the required permissions coexist? If so, how can this be achieved?