When I attempt to distribute my app in Xcode, I get the following error:
Can I resolve the above error by applying for permissions?
I learned from this thread that the above application was not approved by email. How can I know whether the application was approved?
In addition, from this thread, the review process may take several weeks or even 5 months. Considering that public holiday is coming, how can I speed up this process? ( I have submitted my application)
Thank you
You’ll usually be notified by email. If you’re worried that you might miss that, you can look for a Family Controls (Distribution) item showing up in the Additional Capabilities tab.
IMPORTANT This capability is typically issued for a specific App ID, so make sure you look at the App ID entry for the app that you referenced when filling in the request form.
DTS isn’t involved in this approval process, so I’ve no hints to share on that front.
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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "apple.com"