App Store Downloads API: In-app Events hugely mismatching console

I am using the API to fetch the following report: asc_api_report_commerce_app_downloads_detailed

The reason I am using the detailed version is that I want to breakdown downloads by in-app event names.

Here are the issues I'm facing:

  1. When comparing the detailed to the standard report, for specific date ranges and markets (comparing apples to apples), the numbers are slightly off - usually by around 1-2k. I can get around this, since I can use the standard report for most of my reporting.
  2. The second, and main issue, is when I try to use the detailed report to see how different IAEs are performing. The data discrepancies here are huge, and don't make any sense to me.

For example, when I check a specific IAE (called Blanked), I can see dates in the console which are not showing up in the ASC API. These dates do exist in the broader dataset, they just don't exist for this specific IAE.

Am I looking at this wrong? Do I need to pull the data differently? Has anyone else found this issue?

,,,,,,,,,Missing dates in ASC API for this specific in app event,,
Data from ASC API,,,,,,Data from Console,,,,,
date,source_type,download_type,page_type,page_title,counts,App Store Browse Total Downloads,App Store Search Total Downloads,,Date,App Store Browse Total Downloads,App Store Search Total Downloads
"13 Jun, 2024",App Store search,First-time download,In-app event,Blanked,18,14,138,,"12 Jun, 2024",18,5
"20 Jun, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,8,0,0,,"13 Jun, 2024",14,138
"21 Jun, 2024",App Store browse,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,7,0,0,,"14 Jun, 2024",16,106
"22 Jun, 2024",App Store browse,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"15 Jun, 2024",31,72
"29 Jun, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,8,0,0,,"16 Jun, 2024",23,64
"1 Jul, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,6,0,0,,"17 Jun, 2024",63,34
"6 Jul, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"18 Jun, 2024",0,0
"23 Jul, 2024",App Store browse,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"19 Jun, 2024",0,0
"24 Jul, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,8,0,0,,"20 Jun, 2024",0,0
"25 Jul, 2024",App Store browse,Manual update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"21 Jun, 2024",0,0
"25 Jul, 2024",App Store search,Manual update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"22 Jun, 2024",0,0
"26 Jul, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"23 Jun, 2024",0,0
"6 Aug, 2024",App Store browse,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,11,0,0,,"24 Jun, 2024",0,0
"7 Aug, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,6,0,0,,"25 Jun, 2024",0,0
"7 Aug, 2024",App Store browse,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"26 Jun, 2024",0,0
"9 Aug, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"27 Jun, 2024",0,0
"10 Aug, 2024",App Store browse,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"28 Jun, 2024",0,0
"11 Aug, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,6,0,0,,"29 Jun, 2024",0,0
"21 Aug, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"30 Jun, 2024",0,0
"23 Aug, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"1 Jul, 2024",0,0
"12 Sep, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,10,0,0,,"2 Jul, 2024",0,0
"5 Oct, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,10,0,0,,"3 Jul, 2024",0,0
"11 Oct, 2024",App Store browse,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"4 Jul, 2024",0,0
"12 Oct, 2024",App Store browse,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"5 Jul, 2024",0,0
"17 Oct, 2024",App Store browse,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"6 Jul, 2024",0,0
"19 Oct, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"7 Jul, 2024",0,0
"20 Oct, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,6,0,0,,"8 Jul, 2024",0,0
"27 Oct, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"9 Jul, 2024",0,0
"9 Nov, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"10 Jul, 2024",0,0
"12 Nov, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,6,0,0,,"11 Jul, 2024",0,0
"15 Nov, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,6,0,0,,"12 Jul, 2024",0,0
"21 Nov, 2024",App Store search,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"13 Jul, 2024",0,0
"8 Dec, 2024",App Store browse,Auto-update,In-app event,Blanked,5,0,0,,"14 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"15 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"16 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"17 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"18 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"19 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"20 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"21 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"22 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"23 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"24 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"25 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"26 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"27 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"28 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"29 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"30 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"31 Jul, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"1 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"2 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"3 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"4 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"5 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"6 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"7 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"8 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"9 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"10 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"11 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"12 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"13 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"14 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"15 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"16 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"17 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"18 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"19 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"20 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"21 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"22 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"23 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"24 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"25 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"26 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"27 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"28 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"29 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"30 Aug, 2024",0,0
,,,,,,,,,"31 Aug, 2024",0,0

I got this reply from Apple help.. what might this mean? I am little confused why I should use Transporter to help me resolve my issue?

From what I understand, Transporter is used for submitting content to the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store. But my problem is that the data I see on App Store Connect console does not match the results in my API call?

Thank you for providing additional information.

After conducting further research, I recommend referring to the following two comprehensive guides to assist you in addressing the API data discrepancies. Please thoroughly review the articles to identify the root cause of the issue.

Transporter for macOS Help Transporter User Guide If you still need assistance with the API, please respond to this email and reference Case Number 102483201751 in your response.

App Store Downloads API: In-app Events hugely mismatching console