I'm querying the Finance Report api to get a January report for my app, yet no data is present. It's now March 3rd, and executing the following query results in a 404.
url_financial = (
If I change the report date to 2024-04, I get December, yet January is still unavailable. I understand that Apple's fiscal calendar does not follow the Gregorian calendar, however I'd expect that in March I could query the next period after December.
Is this normal?
Analytics & Reporting
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I'm doing an update to my app already IN the app store.
The app is built using .Net Maui targeting iOS, Windows and Android.
All works fine in debug and in release on Android and Windows.
However, the app launches on my iOS devices and crashes immediately.
I really have no idea what the crash report on the device is telling me.
Attached is the .ips file if anyone can at least point me in the right direction...
Our business model is to identify Frauds using our advanced AI/ML model. However, in order to do so we need to collect many device information which seems to be ok according to https://developer.apple.com/app-store/user-privacy-and-data-use/
But it's also prohibited to generate a fingerprint, so I need more clarification here.
Does it mean I can only use the data to identify that a user if either fraud or not but I cannot generate a fingerprint to identify the device?
If so, I can see many SKD in the market that generates Fingerprints like https://fingerprint.com/blog/local-device-fingerprint-ios/
and https://shield.com/?
Hey there,
I'm building a service that requires receiving accurate sales/proceeds data along with the campaign name. From reading the documentation it looks to be fairly understandable, but in practice it is not.
I have been testing this for almost a week, and I never got "Detailed Report" for "App Store Purchases Detailed" analytics report. The same report for "App Downloads Detailed" is arriving normally, but not to for the purchases. I tested for two different apps where I have around 200 daily installs and 30 purchases on each.
I would love to get any thoughts on this from an Apple engineer!
Hey there,
I'm building a service that requires receiving accurate app downloads and sales/proceeds data along with the campaign name. From reading the documentation it looks to be fairly understandable, but in practice it is not that straightforward.
For example, I received the first one-time-snapshot detailed report for the App Store Purchases, and it contains partial data for several days. Shouldn't that be a full report of everything in analytics for like last year or so? Should I expect it to be updated and extended in the coming days?
For the ongoing detailed report, I have not received anything yet, but I'm afraid it might have partial data as well. I will report here as well.
Our company needs to track the performance of app downloads promoted by many different groups, which may require a large number of different Campaign links. How many different Campaign links can I track in the App Store Connect backend? What is the maximum number?
Thanks you!
Hi. How to export analytics and trends from the app? thanks
Is it mandatory to get explicit user consent in iOS apps to collect their product usage data anonymously with something like mixpanel.
Note: this is not for advertising purposes, but only to make the product better based on usage patterns.
I have tried this method
curl -X POST
-H "Authorization : Bearer [my_Token]"
-H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @"data.json"
with the contents of "data.json" being :
"data": {
"type": "analyticsReportRequests",
"attributes": {
"accessType": "ONE_TIME_SNAPSHOT"
"relationships": {
"app": {
"data": {
"type": "apps",
"id": "[my_appid]"
in order to send a POST request reports request to the apple store connect API, as per this https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreconnectapi/post-v1-analyticsreportrequests documentation, but with no success. I have made sure my JWT is correct :
headers = {
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": [my_private_keyid],
"typ": "JWT"
payload = {
"iss": [my_issuer_id],
"iat": int(date_emission.timestamp()),
"exp": int(date_expiration.timestamp()),
"aud": "appstoreconnect-v1",
"bid": "[my_bundleid]"
as per this https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appstoreserverapi/generating-json-web-tokens-for-api-requests documentation.
I have also made sure my key is an admin key as it is required in order to send such a request, and I have used JSON online verificators to make sure my JSON is correct, as I was expecting it to be a JSON related issue. I really can't seem to understand why I only get 400 : bad gateway responses, any help would be appreciated on the matter.
I have now been looking for a while of a way to get the number of MAU of my appstore app through the apple connect API. I ended up thinking i might actually be able to compute it with https://developer.apple.com/documentation/analytics-reports/app-sessions this App Sessions report. My question is thus the following :
Does the Sessions number actually gives me the number of all sessions, or only those from opt-in users ? It says that it is based on users who have agreed to share their data with Apple and developers, so I was wondering whether or not through the use of the methods described on this page https://developer.apple.com/documentation/analytics-reports/privacy,
it meant that the data was anonymized/encoded such that it would be close to the actual Sessions number, or if it meant it only counted opt-in users to compute the Sessions numer.
Thank you for your time, I hope I made myself as clear as possible. Ask me if you want more precisions or if you don't understand my question.
I would like to ask if there is a way to retrieve the number of ratings by date on Apple Store Connect. Specifically, I want to know how many 5-star ratings, 4-star ratings, etc., were received on a specific day (e.g., January 21, 2025) or a date range(e.g. December 21, 2024 - January 21, 2025).
If Apple Store Connect does not support this feature through the interface or API, is there any alternative method to access this data?
Thank you for your assistance!
We have been using apple Sales report API (https://api.appstoreconnect.apple.com/v1/salesReports) to fetch the sales report. It has been running for over a year without any issues.
But recently Starting JAN 15. The API is not returning Content-Disposition header which usually contains Filename additionally, x-report-filename which also contains the filename information is missing. We are not able to save the files without the filename.
We do not see any update to the Sales Reports API in the documentation.
Is there any reason for this sudden change? Is there any alternative to get the name from the API or will this be fixed?
The app analytics tab for my account is empty. It doesn't show any bundle IDs or apps that have been launched. Is this normal for WatchOS apps?
Here's a screenshot of the tab: https://cloud.goodsmile.studio/hT5fL2HY
I am writing to report an issue with my account. I am unable to receive payments for user purchases made within my apps. The Balance is constantly Carried Forward, and I am unsure why. I have already updated all necessary information in my account, so everything should be in order.
Unfortunately, I have not received any response from the Financial Reports Support team despite reaching out multiple times over the past four months. I have also contacted other support teams, but there has been no progress for almost five months.
Currently, my account has accumulated a balance of more than 4K USD, which I am unable to access. I believe that the Apple Financial Reports Support team may need to reinitiate payments on my account. This issue might be related to payment pauses due to the war in Ukraine (although this is just my assumption). As a Ukrainian citizen, I find this situation particularly concerning.
Previously I was located in region which was partially occupied by Russia, but not my City, anyway whole region was banned from Swift transfers.
And now I'm not located on Ukraine, I updated address in my bussined account and bank account which are also not Ukranian. But this is tottally not helped me, and money just stuck in AppStore Connect.
Additionally, here are several case IDs to demonstrate my previous attempts to resolve this issue, none of which have received a response:
Case ID: 102368759149
Case ID: 8699462
Case ID: 9235318
Case ID: 10706490
Case ID: 102506141858
Please help me solve this issue and get the money I earned in my bank account, which is active in my AppStore Connect.
Thank you in advance for your help and time.
Kind regards
Time ago I removed an app from the app store connect and I am still receiving analytics report that are all 0 values because the app has been removed from the store and deleted from App Store Connect, however there are still emails coming from Analytics. There is an Analytic instance that I am trying to remove so I don't keep getting those emails. Do anybody knows how do I do that?
I can find a huge difference in Total downloads and installations count in my app. Should I believe that there're only 8K users opening my app despite 23K downloads?
Any chances that cancelled downloads or failed downloads also include in this "downloads" count?
December is my first month selling products from within my apps, it's selling well, but nothing is showing up in Apple's report, I don't know if there is a specific day to show, minimum withdrawal, payment day, I'm confused.
My iphone 12 has been restarting unexpectedly, and often followed by wifi, bluetooth, and airdrop grayed out. I had to force restart/shutdown several times to turn it on again.
Found this analytics after crash. Please help if somebody know what this means:
I don't have any Apple TV apps. Somehow, I see a few downloads of my app on Apple TV. As far as I understand, Apple TV cannot run anything other than apps made for the tvOS platform. So I'm confused why I'm seeing this in my analytics.
I am using the API to fetch the following report: asc_api_report_commerce_app_downloads_detailed
The reason I am using the detailed version is that I want to breakdown downloads by in-app event names.
Here are the issues I'm facing:
When comparing the detailed to the standard report, for specific date ranges and markets (comparing apples to apples), the numbers are slightly off - usually by around 1-2k. I can get around this, since I can use the standard report for most of my reporting.
The second, and main issue, is when I try to use the detailed report to see how different IAEs are performing. The data discrepancies here are huge, and don't make any sense to me.
For example, when I check a specific IAE (called Blanked), I can see dates in the console which are not showing up in the ASC API. These dates do exist in the broader dataset, they just don't exist for this specific IAE.
Am I looking at this wrong? Do I need to pull the data differently? Has anyone else found this issue?
ASC API Downloads vs Console Downloads - Sheet1.csv