I have implement a WebRtc cameras server: IP camera -> ffmpeg -> WebRtc -> browser
The video codec used is H264.
I test it on a MAC mini using safari browser (latest version)
The Rtc peer connection is correctly connect but the video is not display.
looking for the event on the video control, I got this: loadstart progress suspend
On the MAC, I have also a chrome browser installed and trying the same, it works fine, I got this: loadstart progress loadmetadata loadeddata canplay canplaythrough playing
the video control on the html page is declared like this: <video controls autoplay playsinline muted id="videoCtl" style="max-width:100%;height:auto;" oncontextmenu="return false;" disablepictureinpicture></video>
Does anyone have an idea why the video stay suspend or have a clue or tips to make it work?
Thanks in advance