Swift Compiler Issue?

I've encountered a strange issue with Swift and I wonder if this is a compiler error or if I didn't understand something correctly.

The following sample code shows a weird issue (please ignore that the demo code itself would not make that much sense in this form, it's just the version from a big and more complicated project, where this would make more sense):

class Test {

    var data: [String:[String:String]] = [:]

    func test() {
        let setValue: ((String, String, String) -> Void) = { [weak self] key, id, value in
            if self!.data[key] == nil {
                self!.data[key] = [:]
            let oldValue = self!.data[key]![id]
            if oldValue == nil {
                self!.data[key]![id] = value
        setValue("0", "1", "2")

When changing the "data" dictionary through the closure within the "test()" function, everything works as expected until the "if" condition where the oldValue is checked against nil. If I set a break point to this condition, the Xcode debugger tells me that oldValue is nil (which is expected), but the code within the if condition is NOT executed. The comparison oldValue == nil should be be true (because oldValue is actually nil), but the compiler seems to assume something else.

But If I do not user "self!" but instead "self?" then it does work as expected and the code within the if condition is executed.

What I am missing here? Is this the correct behavior or a compiler bug?

Thank you for your post. I have copied your code and am using Xcode 16.2. When I run the test() method and add a breakpoint, I am able to hit the breakpoint when oldValue is nil without any issues. Am I missing something? What Xcode version are you using? Have you moved the Test class into a unique, simple project to see how it behaves?

Albert Pascual
  Worldwide Developer Relations.

At least now it works. For unknown reasons it did not work in my main project yesterday, repeatedly. But since yesterday the code was changed a lot and the Mac was also restarted, so whatever has caused the glitch, it can no longer be reproduced.

Swift Compiler Issue?