lldb issue: 'self cannot be reconstructed'

everything works fine in Xcode15, but in Xcode16 it break down.

when I add breakpoint, I start po variable , the lldb shows

error: type for self cannot be reconstructed: type for typename "$s8XYRouter8RegistryOXMtD" was not found (cached)

error: Couldn't realize Swift AST type of self. Hint: using `v` to directly inspect variables and fields may still work.

how can I fix the issues!!!. it really mattttttes, and it cause cant developing as normally. pls, save the child.

Thanks so much for the post.

When running swift-healthcheck in lldb, does it display any errors such as “Missing Swift module or Clang module found”? Ensure that you do not have any missing modules for lldb to function properly. If swift-healthcheck returns without any errors, it may indicate a bug that we need to investigate. In such a case, would you be so kind as to file a bug report?

Once you open the bug report, please post the FB number here for my reference.

If you have any questions about filing a bug report, take a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why?

Albert Pascual
  Worldwide Developer Relations.

@DTS Engineer Is there any update or hints to this? We're back to 1970's debugging here which is time consuming for such a large team. swift-healthcheck is showing Missing Swift module or Clang module found for all our (Cocoapods) dependencies. Even attempted to use -add_ast_path manually, but the problem there is how to determine that path. All guesses have failed so far. I'm not clear why I would have to manually set those in Xcode 16 either.

The code block option seems to suffering from an offset issue here too, btw. Had to fix the back ticks in the first paragraph. Not sure if @DTS Engineer is working either?

this is the log info when I try to run swift-healthyCheck command.

Missing Swift module or Clang module found for "*****", "imported" via *****. Hint: Register Swift modules with the linker using -add_ast_path.

lldb issue: 'self cannot be reconstructed'