Customize: ParticleEmitterComponent.Presets

In the particle effect of RealityKit, there is a Type:


He can invoke certain particle effects in certain systems, but I am interested in learning how to modify these particle entities (such as adjusting the color, the number of particles, the generation range…)?

Answered by lijiaxu in 819261022

I’ve got this! When you see this message, it means I’ve fixed the issue. You don’t need to reply to this question (if you have any great suggestions, feel free to share them). Thanks a bunch for checking in!

Accepted Answer

I’ve got this! When you see this message, it means I’ve fixed the issue. You don’t need to reply to this question (if you have any great suggestions, feel free to share them). Thanks a bunch for checking in!

Customize: ParticleEmitterComponent.Presets