Unable to use Xcode Cloud - "does not have a remote repository"

I have an existing project, that's hosted in a self-hosted gitlab instance. Git works through terminal just fine (and has for years!) and the Source Control Navigator pane in Xcode shows the remote repository. However when I try to setup Xcode cloud I get a warning that there's the project does not hav a remote repository. I've tried clearing derived data, cleaning the build folder, restarting to no avail. I even tried creating a new project in Xcode, and having Xcode create the remote repository (which it did successfully). But no matter what I try it will not recognize the remote repository. I've also tried adding another remote origin, and I can see it just fine in the Xcode Source Control pane, but the Xcode cloud setup does not recognize it.

Any suggestions?

Hi, Since you're using a self-hosted SCM instance, the issue may be with Xcode Cloud connecting to it. You can check out Xcode Cloud's source control requirements here but this is the relevant part:

If you use an IP allow list either on a self-hosted or cloud SCM provider — such as Bitbucket Server or GitHub Enterprise — make sure Xcode Cloud has access to your Git server. Check your firewall’s inbound HTTPS allow list and grant Xcode Cloud access to your Git server by adding the IP address ranges,, and

Hi, I had the same problem. In my case I have a private repository on github.com and Git works fine on my terminal, but Xcode Cloud didn't recognize the branch for the same reason. Finally, I discovered that selecting Settings -> Source Control -> Git crashes Xcode for the following reason:

DVTSourceControlGitXPCClient.complete(with:context:) + 288

So, I downgraded Xcode to Xcode 16, everything works fine now. The environments to be reproduced are macOS 15.3.1 (24D70), and Xcode 16.2.

Unable to use Xcode Cloud - "does not have a remote repository"