Unable to use Xcode Cloud - "does not have a remote repository"

I have an existing project, that's hosted in a self-hosted gitlab instance. Git works through terminal just fine (and has for years!) and the Source Control Navigator pane in Xcode shows the remote repository. However when I try to setup Xcode cloud I get a warning that there's the project does not hav a remote repository. I've tried clearing derived data, cleaning the build folder, restarting to no avail. I even tried creating a new project in Xcode, and having Xcode create the remote repository (which it did successfully). But no matter what I try it will not recognize the remote repository. I've also tried adding another remote origin, and I can see it just fine in the Xcode Source Control pane, but the Xcode cloud setup does not recognize it.

Any suggestions?

Unable to use Xcode Cloud - "does not have a remote repository"