entitlements file's value for the application-identifier entitlement

Hi all, after days of chasing this down, no fixes from a number of different interweb sources.

I get a successful build/archive with automatically managed signing. Click 'Distribute App' and the following error is thrown:

"Provisioning profile failed qualification Profile doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the application-identifier entitlement."

I've generated new provisioning files and entitlement files. I've manually cleaned profiles from a folder associated with builds. I've cleaned the build folder before archiving many times. I've renamed the app in xcode. I've opened the entitlement file and provisioning file to compare bundle ID's and the entitlement file has nothing noteworthy.

This came about after a 90-day grace period was announced for me to update my app before it is nuked from the app store. Recently installed xcode 16.1; the process went smoothly for another app I had to likewise update, but this is giving me all kindsa problems. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, it's always an act of congress to resolve any issues that crop up...

entitlements file's value for the application-identifier entitlement