Related WebDomain Token is automatically blocked, but how do we know the related ManagedSettingsStore?

I have noticed that when I select the app token of the youtube app to be blocked via a ManagedSettingsStore, the youtube website is blocked as well (which is a good and intended behavior IMO).

But how do I know in the ShieldConfigurationDataSource’s override func configuration(shielding webDomain: WebDomain, in category: ActivityCategory) -> ShieldConfiguration to which ManagedSettingsStore the WebDomain’s token is related?

We use different ManagedSettingsStores for different block purposes, which differentiate in their ShieldConfiguration.

Thanks a lot and have a great day!

the youtube website is blocked as well (which is a good and intended behavior IMO)

IMO given the numerous documented problems where blocking one thing accidentally blocks another (ex. blocking blocks Messenger app), my vote is that we get rid of these sort of policies all together as sticking to a clear rule (doing X blocks X) is better than being ambiguous

I could be wrong, but it also sounds like the root of your problem is this ambiguity. Where if it didn't exist, this wouldn't be an issue? So, if I understand correctly, there's a root issue to fix that would automatically solve this too. A very classic human/programming problem where the second-order effects of a unstable principle (blocking X also blocks Y) "exponentially" (being a little dramatic 😅) explodes to introduce new problems (exponential because you try to patch the Y problem, where then the patch can cause Z problem, etc. etc.)

Written by kgaidis in 820572022
my vote is that we get rid of these sort of policies all together as sticking to a clear rule

I’m fine with that!

Related WebDomain Token is automatically blocked, but how do we know the related ManagedSettingsStore?