ShazamKit supported for iOS apps that can run on Mac silicon?

I am having issues deploying my iOS app, that uses ShazamKit, to get working on a Mac with Apple silicon.

When uploading the archive to App Store Connect I do get

ITMS-90863: Macs with Apple silicon support issue - The app links with libraries that aren’t present in macOS:


Is ShazamKit not supported for iOS apps that can run on Macs with Apple silicon? Or is there something I should fix in my setup / deployment?

Answered by DTS Engineer in 827232022

All of the bug report numbers posted here pertain to a similar issue for libswiftWebKit.dylib, and those are addressed. Those bug reports made a difference, so thank you for filing them!

I haven't yet seen any of those bug reports for libswiftShazamKit.dylib, which the OP asked about, so for anyone encountering this message with ShazamKit, please make sure to file a bug report and to record the FB number here to make sure we can take a look at them.

— Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

Can someone please provide some feedback please. I am completely in the dark on how to get my app on Mac (as designed for iPad) when using ShazamKit. It used to work, but I can't get it to work since latest release of iOS.

Please, please, someone please confirm whether ShazamKit is supported on Mac Silicon with a Designed for iPad app when using latest iOS version.

Hello @ridmaur, thank you for your post. Did you check this with App Store Connect already?

What you mean with ‘check with App Store Connect‘?

@ridmaur. please open a bug report for this, and include information including your Apple App ID and the full text of the error message. When filing your bug report, please select Developer Tools & Resources. Once you have the report created, please contact App Store Connect support, in addition to posting the FB number here.

— Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

I’m having the same problem, only with another Lib:

This is what the E-Mail from Apple sais about my App:

Although delivery was successful, you may want to correct the following issues in your next delivery. Once you've corrected the issues, upload a new binary to App Store Connect.

ITMS-90863: Macs with Apple silicon support issue - The app links with libraries that aren’t present in macOS:


And I notice that the App can’t be installed on my Mac via Testflight. The latest AppStore version of the App can be installed on the Mac (from with the AppStore).

I’m not sure when exactly the issue has started, but there are other threads in the Apple developer forum where developers have the very same problem:

@elementarteilchen, please see my previous response for how to take action to get your issue ITMS-90863 resolved. Don't forget to post the FB number here.

— Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

I've opened a bug report. FB16554632

We have the same issue with libswiftWebKit.dylib.

Opened a report: FB16622479


Same issue with libswiftWebKit.dylib since day 24.03.

Reported as FB16640444

Thank you!

Same issue here (libswiftWebKit.dylib). This started within the last two weeks out of the blue. It's currently holding up our next release.

Report as FB16650686

@DTS Engineer @Engineer Is Apple now taking this issue more serious, now more developers seem to have the same issue? Despite creating a FB, no response so far.

Really frustrating there is no clear communication from Apple on how to solve this issue that is stopping me from properly updating my app.

I can't speak to the ShazamKit issue, but as of yesterday (or maybe the day before) the libswiftWebKit.dylib issue seems to have cleared up. After posting here I checked and our TestFlight build from the night before and found that it didn't have the issue, it would run on Mac (Designed for iPad). Our TestFlight upload from last night worked as well.

It seems like something in App Store Connect has been fixed.

@pinch Agree. It now works also for me. Great it works now. Frustrating that it took so long without getting any feedback, response, resolution, whatsoever.

@pinch No, unfortunately I received only after more than ione hour yet again the mails about the app not being compatible.

ShazamKit supported for iOS apps that can run on Mac silicon?