Phone app and CallDirectory

Prior to iOS18, the incoming/outgoing call history display in the Phone app matched the CallDirectory content, but starting with iOS18, changing the information tied to the same number results in the incoming/outgoing call history not matching the CallDirectory content, as it remains unchanged before the change. Is this a strongly intended change? If not, we would like to have it reverted back to the way it worked before iOS18.

Befor iOS18

  1. Register the target phone number and name1 to CallRirectory
  2. Incoming call using the target phone number
  3. The target phone number and name1 is recorded as an incoming call history
  4. Register the target phone number and name2 to CallRirectory
  5. Incoming call using the target phone number again
  6. The target phone number and name2 is recorded as an incoming call history
  7. Also 1st incoming call history’s name is changed to name2

After iOS18

  1. Register the target phone number and name1 to CallRirectory
  2. Incoming call using the target phone number
  3. The target phone number and name1 is recorded as an incoming call history
  4. Register the target phone number and name2 to CallRirectory
  5. Incoming call using the target phone number again
  6. The target phone number and name2 is recorded as an incoming call history
  7. But 1st incoming call history’s name is still name1

Why does this difference occur?

Prior to iOS18, the incoming/outgoing call history display in the Phone app matched the CallDirectory content, but starting with iOS18, changing the information tied to the same number results in the incoming/outgoing call history not matching the CallDirectory content, as it remains unchanged before the change. Is this a strongly intended change?

If you haven't already, please file a bug on this then post the bug number back here.

Why does this difference occur?

I'm not sure of the exact reason, but I don't think it was a specific design choice. A great deal of work was done in this area in iOS 18 and that has caused other changes that weren't specifically intended.

Having said that, one other option to be aware of is the "ContactProvider" extension. If you're using CXCallDirectory for things like corporate contact directories, this can be a much more completely solution that CXCallDirectory and I think it would handle this case correctly.

Kevin Elliott
DTS Engineer, CoreOS/Hardware

If you haven't already, please file a bug on this then post the bug number back here.

I already posted this on FB. Its number is FB16249623.


Phone app and CallDirectory