Prevent Xcode from injecting UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities

Xcode 16.2 suddenly injects the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key into our app's Info.plist. This results in a rejection from App Store Connect because of this key:

TMS-90109: This bundle is invalid - The key UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in the Info.plist may not contain values that would prevent this application from running on devices that were supported by previous versions. Refer to QA1623 for additional information:

The setting INFOPLIST_KEY_UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities is empty in our project, yet Xcode still injects:


How can we prevent that? Or is there a way to strip it out during the build process? The Info.plist seems to get generated during an invisible build step, is there a way to make this explicit?

How do other developers deal with this problem? Do I have to post-process the Info.plist and re-sign the app before submission to App Store Connect?

Okay, this is… not fun. I've stripped the key out, and now App Store Connect doesn't even allow the upload any more.

Invalid Bundle. Your binary, '', has a 64-bit architecture slice, so you must include the "arm64" value for the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key in your Xcode project. Learn more (

So I must include it, but I also may not include it. How do I resolve this?

Have reported this via Feedback: FB16441258.

Prevent Xcode from injecting UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities