Apns push not working on iphone 13 but works on iphone XR

Hello, I am trying MDM apns push through curl command, the same command works on iphone XR but not on iphone 13, both device iOS version is 17 What can be the cause for this behavior. The command is as below

curl.exe -X POST --http2 -k -v --cert PushCert.pem --cacert cacert.pem https://api.push.apple.com/3/device/9BFDFB46D48159D16E5DC80391B765EE99524CF294BB4BF9FB5AEA7A5F3FFD79 -d "{"mdm":"84F0C145-5963-4F06-9D11-DFBDB45802D5"}" -H "apns-topic: com.apple.mgmt.External.c217c1bf-ad51-42a9-9108-2e92ef705b2a" -H "apns-push-type: mdm"

Apns push not working on iphone 13 but works on iphone XR