how to determine the Account Holder for a company / organization's Developer membership?

Greetings everyone, this is my first post here...thanks in advance for any guidance you may have.

I work for a non-profit (charity status) and was attempting to sign up for a Developer account, with a fee waiver, in order to do some work for our organization that requires Developer access (enabling Sign In With Apple on a Discourse forum).

I've received an e-mail from Developer Support saying my application was denied because there is already an Account Holder for our company's "existing membership." We are a small team that experiences a lot of turnover, and I presume this has to do with a predecessor.

I've written back to support and am awaiting a reply, but am concerned they might only reply to whatever e-mail address is associated with this "existing membership" and that very well might be an inactive mailbox in our Google Workspace. I've explained all that and asked Apple if they can please let me know who this previous contact is.

It's been a few days, while I'm waiting I thought I would ask if there is any other way to look up the contact for a given organization, or if I just need to wait and hope to hear back from Developer Support?

Thanks for any advice.

Answered by dwallner in 822875022

SOLVED! Someone at Developer Support got back to me and revealed that after looking into it they realized the "existing" membership for my organization was actually expired a long time ago and they can work with me to reset/transfer that responsibility to a new person now. 🧑‍💻

Accepted Answer

SOLVED! Someone at Developer Support got back to me and revealed that after looking into it they realized the "existing" membership for my organization was actually expired a long time ago and they can work with me to reset/transfer that responsibility to a new person now. 🧑‍💻

how to determine the Account Holder for a company / organization's Developer membership?