Notice of Termination. How to contact Apple and restore my account and apps?

Received email from Apple with title "notification of apple Developer Program License Agreement (“DPLA”) violation."

We're writing to inform you that your company isn't in compliance with the Apple Developer Program License Agreement (DPLA).

Section 11.2 (Termination) states:

(g) if You engage, or encourage others to engage, in any misleading, fraudulent, improper, unlawful or dishonest act relating to this Agreement, including, but not limited to, misrepresenting the nature of Your Application (e.g., hiding or trying to hide functionality from Apple’s review, falsifying consumer reviews for Your Application, engaging in payment fraud, etc.).

Be aware that manipulating App Store chart rankings, user reviews or search index may result in the loss of your developer program membership.

Please address this issue promptly.

Same day i response that do not did any actions from this list or similar to them, describing every point.

Next day i received response

Thank you for your reply.

As noted in the original notification, manipulating App Store chart rankings, user reviews, or search index is a violation of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement (DPLA) and may result in the loss of your Developer program membership.

We suggest you conduct internal investigations to ensure you and any third-parties you may work with are in compliance with the DPLA and App Store Review Guidelines.

We also encourage you to closely monitor your app activities. If you notice any unusual activity in the future, please follow these steps: Sign in to App Store Connect > Contact Us > Report a Concern > Report a Fraud Concern.

We are unable to provide additional information at this time. Thank you for your efforts to make the App Store a safe and enjoyable experience for users and a great opportunity for all developers to be successful.

I made response, that i checked everything, only one problem was in backend functionality working badly, but already fixed it (it was not about Apple license rules, it is just one of app functionalities returns error instead of answer. And it was fixed)

Also i asked if current problem is solved and write emails if something else needs to be fixed.

But no any responses was, and in 20 days i received email "Notice of Termination"

Pursuant to Section 3.2(f) of the ADP Agreement, you agreed that you would not “commit any act intended to interfere with any of the Apple Software or Services, the intent of this Agreement, or Apple’s business practices including, but not limited to, taking actions that may hinder the performance or intended use of the App Store, Custom App Distribution, TestFlight, Xcode Cloud, Ad Hoc distribution, or the Program…” Apple has good reason to believe that you violated this Section due to documented indications of fraudulent conduct associated with your account.

"AppStoreConnect -> Contact Us" page not working, because i cannot log in for it. Please help to resolve this problem:

  1. How to contact with apple in a fast way to describe that i did not do any actions that are not in compliance and find a way to fix and restore account and app.

App used Auto-renewable subscriptions, so we have maximum 1 week to restore app before subscriptions automatically canceling

  1. At least, how to get payments for subscriptions that was already collected by app.

Apple wrote "If applicable, no further payments will be made to you pursuant to Section 7.1 of the Paid Applications agreement (Schedules 2 and 3 to the ADP Agreement)." But i ready to prove and discuss that I am not at fault, and if there is fault in the third-party companies promoting my app - the promotion will be stoped

Still no any posibilities to contact with Apple and resolve this problem Please, help to have a contact with Apple and prove that this is some mistake

Notice of Termination. How to contact Apple and restore my account and apps?