Hi! I wanted to use Lottie in my swiftpm app, but I've been running into errors and I'm not sure if it's possible. When I try to run the app, it crashes and I get errors saying that the library isn't loaded and the files aren't found (basically these: https://github.com/lottie-react-native/lottie-react-native/issues/373 , https://github.com/airbnb/lottie-ios/issues/2233 ). But moving the framework file into the PackageFrameworks folder doesn't work, and also I'm getting the error that swiftpm cannot distribute packages containing binary frameworks and from what I understand that just isn't something that swiftpm can do. So I was wondering if anyone knows any workarounds to this, or if I should just ditch Lottie?
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!