App Store Server Notification sends old transactions

I've noticed that CONSUMPTION_REQUEST notifications sometimes have a signedTransactionInfo which corresponds not to the latest transaction, but to an earlier transaction in a subscription.

Is this expected? I thought signedTransactionInfo was always the latest subscription information?

Are there any other notification types for which signedTransactionInfo can be out of date?

Answered by App Store Commerce Engineer in 825544022

Hello willft, signedTransactionInfo refers to the transaction referenced by the action, in the case of a refund flow, that may not be the most recent transaction.

Accepted Answer

Hello willft, signedTransactionInfo refers to the transaction referenced by the action, in the case of a refund flow, that may not be the most recent transaction.

@App Store Commerce Engineer Just to confirm - is the signedRenewalInfo always the latest renewal info for that originalTransactionId ? (as of the notification's signed date; I understand notifications can come out of order)

I'm not sure what else it could be, but since I fundamentally misunderstood signedTransactionInfo it seems worth checking!

App Store Server Notification sends old transactions