I have three disk partitions on my MacBook Air M1.
The one with Monterey, the one with Sonoma, and the one with Sequoia (15.3.1 in particular).
When I try to download the 15.4 Beta from software update in settings, everything would go "fine" - the download process is being completed, the computer says it's going to restart in 60seconds, the countdown begins, etc.
However, when restarting several times, I am being logged in once again into previous macOS (15.3.1) version, with a kernel panic report. I had the same panic on macOS 15.3 when attempting to download 15.4 Beta. I've upgraded my macOS to 15.3.1, as I thought I'd need the very last available version of regular macOS to participate in the newest beta.
However, the panic occurs, pointing to some t8020dart.c file. I don't even theoretically know what is this and couldn't find any reference to that C file.
Attaching a part of panic report:
panic(cpu 3 caller 0x0): t8020dart 0xfffffdf02c980000 (dart-disp0): Can't ignore lock validation @t8020dart.c:535 Debugger message: panic Memory ID: 0xff OS release type: Not set yet OS version: Not set yet Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 24.4.0: Sat Feb 15 22:43:38 PST 2025; root:xnu-11417.100.533.501.4~3/RELEASE_ARM64_T8103 Fileset Kernelcache UUID: 232D67A6D42C66E14780A24B3C0AE05D Kernel UUID: F2602757-A486-30A9-8D8E-714224E5FE4A Boot session UUID: 575CD5EA-6898-47ED-9AEC-05E318135695 iBoot version: iBoot-11881.100.964.0.1 iBoot Stage 2 version: iBoot-11881.100.964.0.1 secure boot?: YES roots installed: 0 Paniclog version: 14 KernelCache slide: 0x00000000181d8000 KernelCache base: 0xfffffe001f1dc000 Kernel slide: 0x00000000181e0000 Kernel text base: 0xfffffe001f1e4000 Kernel text exec slide: 0x00000000198d0000 Kernel text exec base: 0xfffffe00208d4000 mach_absolute_time: 0x85b39c4 Epoch Time: sec usec Boot : 0x00000000 0x00000000 Sleep : 0x00000000 0x00000000 Wake : 0x00000000 0x00000000 Calendar: 0x00000000 0x00000000
Zone info: Zone map: 0xfffffe120c000000 - 0xfffffe380c000000 . VM : 0xfffffe120c000000 - 0xfffffe17d8000000 . RO : 0xfffffe17d8000000 - 0xfffffe1a72000000 . GEN0 : 0xfffffe1a72000000 - 0xfffffe203e000000 . GEN1 : 0xfffffe203e000000 - 0xfffffe260a000000 . GEN2 : 0xfffffe260a000000 - 0xfffffe2bd6000000 . GEN3 : 0xfffffe2bd6000000 - 0xfffffe31a2000000 . DATA : 0xfffffe31a2000000 - 0xfffffe380c000000 Metadata: 0xfffffe76ce010000 - 0xfffffe76d7810000 Bitmaps : 0xfffffe76d7810000 - 0xfffffe76d8d80000 Extra : 0 - 0
CORE 0 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 1 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 2 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 3 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9b9ec CORE 4 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 5 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 6 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 CORE 7 recently retired instr at 0xfffffe0020a9d2d0 TPIDRx_ELy = {1: 0xfffffe2040392fb0 0: 0x0000000000000003 0ro: 0x0000000000000000 } CORE 0 PVH locks held: None CORE 1 PVH locks held: None CORE 2 PVH locks held: None CORE 3 PVH locks held: None CORE 4 PVH locks held: None CORE 5 PVH locks held: None CORE 6 PVH locks held: None CORE 7 PVH locks held: None CORE 0: PC=0xfffffe002102157c, LR=0xfffffe0021021568, FP=0xfffffebf22637890 CORE 1: PC=0xfffffe00210207a4, LR=0xfffffe0020fe4eb0, FP=0xfffffebf2262b890 CORE 2: PC=0xfffffe002094c790, LR=0xfffffe002094c63c, FP=0xfffffebf22643890 CORE 3 is the one that panicked. Check the full backtrace for details. CORE 4: PC=0xfffffe00209708b4, LR=0xfffffe00209708b4, FP=0xfffffebf2213fed0 CORE 5: PC=0xfffffe00209708b4, LR=0xfffffe00209708b4, FP=0xfffffebf22163ed0 CORE 6: PC=0xfffffe00209708b4, LR=0xfffffe00209708b4, FP=0xfffffebf2216fed0 CORE 7: PC=0xfffffe00209708b4, LR=0xfffffe00209708b4, FP=0xfffffebf2211bed0 Compressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space Panicked task 0xfffffe260c042b78: 0 pages, 268 threads: pid 0: kernel_task Panicked thread: 0xfffffe2040392fb0, backtrace: 0xfffffebf22666920, tid: 279 lr: 0xfffffe00209332bc fp: 0xfffffebf226669b0 lr: 0xfffffe0020a93cdc fp: 0xfffffebf22666a20 lr: 0xfffffe0020a91e94 fp: 0xfffffebf22666ae0 lr: 0xfffffe00208dbb94 fp: 0xfffffebf22666af0 lr: 0xfffffe0020932ba0 fp: 0xfffffebf22666ec0 lr: 0xfffffe0020932924 fp: 0xfffffe0031577e90 lr: 0xfffffe00211cb198 fp: 0xfffffe0031577eb0 lr: 0xfffffe002120aae4 fp: 0xfffffe0031577f80 lr: 0xfffffe00211f9104 fp: 0xfffffe0031577fe0 lr: 0xfffffe00208dc3fc fp: 0xfffffebf22666ee0 lr: 0xfffffe0020a82d74 fp: 0xfffffebf22666f30 lr: 0xfffffe00222f9964 fp: 0xfffffebf22667c00 lr: 0xfffffe002107c198 fp: 0xfffffebf22667c90 lr: 0xfffffe002107b79c fp: 0xfffffebf22667dc0 lr: 0xfffffe002107963c fp: 0xfffffebf22667e40 lr: 0xfffffe002107ffc8 fp: 0xfffffebf22667f20 lr: 0xfffffe00208e4f04 fp: 0x0000000000000000 Kernel Extensions in backtrace: com.apple.driver.AppleT8020DART(1.0)[6BE1928B-115D-345C-B457-FD1101FC7E1E]@0xfffffe00222f9120->0xfffffe002230139b dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleARMPlatform(1.0.2)[4EB15554-31E0-3057-9A85-EAA79C69E848]@0xfffffe0021369200->0xfffffe00213bf21f dependency: com.apple.driver.IODARTFamily(1)[8FC5A69F-6052-3F02-9EA3-78D080116812]@0xfffffe0022ec6750->0xfffffe0022eda9cf
last started kext at 139867172: com.apple.plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 1340.12 (addr 0xfffffe001fba3f70, size 139368)