Renewal Info never contains offerType

Signed renewal info from 'Get Subscription Statuses' or in server notifications never has the offerType or offerDiscountType even when the corresponding transaction does have those values set.

Our offer is a free trial.

Do these properties refer to something different in JWSRenewalInfoDecodedPayload than they do in transactions?

I'm trying to determine whether a subscription (identified by originalTransactionId) is currently in a free trial based on server notifications. The status doesn't tell us if the subscription is currently in free trial and the signedTransactionInfo may be for an older transaction.

Answered by App Store Commerce Engineer in 826585022


If the user has a free trial, then at renewal they likely would move to a full plan, in which case at renewal they would no longer be in an offer. The renewal info represents the expected state at renewal, including whether an offer will present. The easiest way to see this is to either apply an offer that takes effect at renewal through a downgrade, or to apply a Pay-as-you-go offer which lasts for multiple transactions.

Accepted Answer


If the user has a free trial, then at renewal they likely would move to a full plan, in which case at renewal they would no longer be in an offer. The renewal info represents the expected state at renewal, including whether an offer will present. The easiest way to see this is to either apply an offer that takes effect at renewal through a downgrade, or to apply a Pay-as-you-go offer which lasts for multiple transactions.

Renewal Info never contains offerType