Validating receipt for iOS in-app purchase always returns error 21002

I'm receiving the following error when attempting to validate an in‑app purchase receipt:

Certificate verification failed at depth 0 : forge.pki.UnknownCertificateAuthority Certificate chain validation failed: Certificate is not trusted. This error occurs during the certificate chain validation process of the receipt's PKCS#7 container. My implementation uses node‑forge to decode the receipt, extract the embedded certificate chain, and verify that the chain properly links from the leaf certificate (which directly signed the receipt) through the intermediate certificate to the trusted Apple Inc. Root certificate.

What the Error Indicates:

"UnknownCertificateAuthority" at depth 0: This suggests that the leaf certificate in the receipt is not being recognized as part of a valid chain because it cannot be linked back to a trusted root in my CA store. "Certificate chain validation failed: Certificate is not trusted": This means that the entire certificate chain does not chain up to a trusted certificate authority (in this case, the Apple Inc. Root certificate) as expected. Steps Taken:

I verified that the receipt is a valid PKCS#7 container. I extracted the certificate chain from the receipt. However, the receipt only provided the leaf certificate. I manually added the intermediate certificate (AppleWWDRCAG5.pem) to complete the chain. I loaded the official Apple Inc. Root certificate (AppleIncRootCertificate.pem) into my CA store. Despite these steps, the validation still fails at depth 0, indicating that the leaf certificate is not recognized as being issued by a trusted authority. Request for Assistance:

Could you please help clarify the following points:

Is the certificate chain for receipts (leaf → intermediate → Apple Inc. Root) as expected, or has there been any change in the chain that I should account for? Is there a recommended or updated intermediate certificate I should be using for receipt validation? Are there known issues or recent changes on Apple's side that might cause the leaf certificate to not be recognized as part of a valid chain? Any guidance to resolve this certificate chain validation error would be greatly appreciated.

Validating receipt for iOS in-app purchase always returns error 21002