Hello, I'm buiding a macos app where I bundled a command line tool (Python) with my app. I put the tool in ****.app/Contents/MacOS folder, but it seems like the tool can not execute/read/ access. I don't know if a sandbox app can access/create a folder inside ****.app/Contents folder???
If not where can I put the tool that can access from my macos app?
Any idea would be appreciated!
You can find my general advice on this topic in Embedding a command-line tool in a sandboxed app.
However, embedding Python is a non-trivial exercise because it relies on a whole bunch of additional infrastructure. Instead of starting out with Python, I recommend that you try embedding a much simpler command-line tool, for example, some simple tool that you install via Homebrew. Once you get that work, you know that you’re got the basics of embedding and executing the tool working correctly. You can then start thinking about how you want to tackle Python.
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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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