Worried that I downloaded malware from a disk image

Hi, I accidentally downloaded a disk image and tried to run it, I shortly realized that it is probably malware. I'm worried that there's malware on my computer but I'm unsure if Gatekeeper was able to block me from running the image. I believe I clicked "Open anyway" or something along those lines even after it said not to run it, so I'm pretty scared that it was able to run. I checked the logs for Gatekeeper, and I see that it says "Code did not match any currently allowed policy". Does this mean it blocked whatever disk image I mistakenly tried to run? Thank you so much for your answers, it will help me stop worrying.

2025-03-01 10:45:10.480495-0800 0x953f85   Default     0x0                  301    0    syspolicyd: [com.apple.syspolicy.exec:default] Fast Gatekeeper overrides are: inactive
2025-03-01 10:45:14.308061-0800 0x95412e   Default     0x0                  301    0    syspolicyd: [com.apple.syspolicy.exec:default] Caller indicated a Gatekeeper override occurred: <private>
2025-03-01 10:45:14.314205-0800 0x95412c   Default     0x0                  39200  2    CoreServicesUIAgent: [com.apple.launchservices:uiagent] Cleared Gatekeeper rejection record sucessfully
2025-03-01 10:45:25.864198-0800 0x953f85   Error       0x0                  301    0    syspolicyd: [com.apple.syspolicy.exec:default] Error Domain=GatekeeperPolicyScanError Code=-67018 "Code did not match any currently allowed policy" UserInfo={NSURL=<private>, NSLocalizedDescription=Code did not match any currently allowed policy}
2025-03-01 10:45:30.659323-0800 0x95430b   Default     0x0                  301    0    syspolicyd: [com.apple.syspolicy.exec:default] Adding Gatekeeper denial breadcrumb (direct): PST: (path: 5451bc9511ea5cc0), (team: (null)), (id: project-55554944375cf61a58343acb828244228823e532), (bundle_id: NOT_A_BUNDLE)
2025-03-01 10:45:30.662733-0800 0x95430b   Error       0x0                  301    0    syspolicyd: [com.apple.syspolicy.exec:default] Terminating process due to Gatekeeper rejection: 39389, <private>
2025-03-01 10:45:54.602124-0800 0x9545ed   Default     0x0                  301    0    syspolicyd: [com.apple.syspolicy.exec:default] Fast Gatekeeper overrides are: inactive
2025-03-01 10:46:35.578533-0800 0x9548b4   Default     0x0                  301    0    syspolicyd: [com.apple.syspolicy.exec:default] Fast Gatekeeper overrides are: inactive
2025-03-01 10:46:37.719530-0800 0x9533cf   Default     0x0                  39200  2    CoreServicesUIAgent: [com.apple.launchservices:uiagent] Cleared Gatekeeper rejection record sucessfully
Answered by darkpaw in 827285022

Sorry, but this is utterly irrelevant to these Developer Forums. You're in the wrong place.

These are the Developer Forums, where developers of apps for Apple's platforms ask each other for hints and tips on coding. We aren't Apple employees.

Your question is more of a product support one, so I'd suggest you ask it over at the Apple Support Forums. Thanks.

Accepted Answer

Sorry, but this is utterly irrelevant to these Developer Forums. You're in the wrong place.

These are the Developer Forums, where developers of apps for Apple's platforms ask each other for hints and tips on coding. We aren't Apple employees.

Your question is more of a product support one, so I'd suggest you ask it over at the Apple Support Forums. Thanks.

Worried that I downloaded malware from a disk image