500 error at app's testflight tab

there are message in the console: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) https://itunesconnect.apple.com/testflight/v2/providers/<provider_id>/apps/<app_id>/testInfo

That's why I can't open TestFlight tab, and only can see endless loader

Yup, me too. Not getting any error 500, just constant loading, on both Chrome and Firefox browsers. Tried my iPhone through the cell net, same thing.

Would be nice if Apple would change the status when this happens.

We see the same - If Apple monitors this chat please update your status page and provide more details on outage and ETA

I see the same thing. I sent them a support request. I wish the status would show correctly.

Seeing 500 errors also:

  • 200 /testflight/v2/providers/xxxxxx/apps/xxxxxx/groups
  • 500 /testflight/v2/providers/xxxxxx/apps/xxxxxx/testInfo
  • 500 /testflight/v2/providers/xxxxxx/apps/xxxxxx/platforms/appletvos/trains
  • 500 /testflight/v2/providers/xxxxxx/apps/xxxxxx/platforms/ios/trains
  • 200 /testflight/v2/providers/xxxxxx/apps/xxxxxx/testers?limit=1
  • 200 /testflight/v1/properties/provider/xxxxxx/app/xxxxxx

Have exactly the same problem. Can't run internal test 😠. Apple, fix please.

I'm getting the same thing too across multiple accounts

Sigh, finally able to upload with xcode 9.2 but now testflight broken.

I'm seeing the same issue. I've sent a question to Support. The System Status for TestFlight is now showing yellow.

Also experiencing this same issue.

Seeing the same issue!

Same problem for us

It would be great to have any update on how long it could take to solve the problem. Please?

Finally, Apple solved it.

500 error at app's testflight tab