The iPad software keyboard becomes impossible to show programmatically when an external keyboard is connected.

When an external keyboard is connected to the iPad, the software keyboard often becomes hidden and cannot be made to show again programmatically.

Help! Is there a way to programmatically get the software keyboard to re-appear when an external keyboard is connected without clicking 'Show Keyboard' from the Keyboard Shortcuts menu-item button?

Its corner-casey for sure, (with our own keyboard extension) we have a sub-view that is added to the software keyboard view under a certain use case. When the user has an external keyboard connected, everything is fine until the app is backgrounded. When the app is re-foregrounded the software keyboard often becomes hidden (what the user now sees is a keyboard shortcut menu-item group w/a keyboard button and a mic button.) This makes it impossible for the user to interact with the subview we added (because it is hidden), unless the user manually shows the software keyboard again by clicking "Show Keyboard" from the keyboard shortcut. The software keyboard view is still the 'firstResponder' (accepting key strokes, etc), we just cannot find a way to programmatically make it visible again. Sigh.

The iPad software keyboard becomes impossible to show programmatically when an external keyboard is connected.