Dynamic parameters in shortcuts

I need to have a dynamic parameter for Shortcuts, so a person can say something like Hey Siri, order a pizza with <insert app name here>

The parameter code in the appIntent is

@Parameter(title: "Title")
var itemName: String

In the Shortcut I use:

intent: NewItemIntent(),
phrases: [
"order \(\.$itemName) using \(.applicationName)"
shortTitle: "Order Item",
systemImageName: "sparkles"

When I call it "hey Siri, order pizza using ***" where pizza should be passed via the parameter then handed off to the appintent. However, it ignores the spoken parameter in lieu of putting up a dialog asking "What's the name?" I can say "pizza" and it now works. How can I pick up the parameter without having to go to that second step as the code implies?

App Shortcuts do not support arbitrary string parameters in the invocation phrase. Please see the following other threads for some discussion about this:

— Ed Ford,  DTS Engineer

Dynamic parameters in shortcuts