Your account already has a signing certificate for this machine but it is not present in your keychain. To create a new one, you must first revoke the existing certificate.

Your account already has a signing certificate for this machine but it is not present in your keychain. To create a new one, you must first revoke the existing certificate.

The same problem here. It says revoke, i have revoked but can not create again.

+1 tried manual and automatic signing and nothing

Same problem for me. So confusing

Having the same issue. I've tried manually installing a new provisioning profile, checking & unchecking "Automatically Manage Signing", remove & re-add my developer/team account.

Xcode 8.3.3, ios10.3.2

Hello. I also have the same problem and I do not know what to do 😟 I tried to delete the account, manually installed and nothing.

Your account already has a signing certificate for this machine but it is not present in your keychain. To create a new one, you must first revoke the existing certificate.

this my email:

Help meeeeeeeeee.

I just solved my issue. It turned out that I missed some crucial certificates (Apple Intermediate Certificates) in my keychain.

To install a missing intermediate certificate go to this link: and download missing certaficates under Apple Intermediate Certificates

Hope you solve it 🙂

This worked

This worked for me, thanks a lot!!! 🙂

Thanks so much! This was driving me nuts.

Thanks a lot

Great, this worked for me as well.

This happened to me randomly (i.e. everything was working fine hours earlier). - just closed and reopened XCode and it was problem solves.

My problem was wrong time, actually time was wrong by automatically by system.
I set corrected it manually and my certificates goes expired instant after xcode create new ones.

I put back clock to be automatic by system and everything was fixed :S
Damn this certificate thing is such a pain. Why can't they clearly state the need certificates and the missing or wrong one. Come on Apple this signing nightmare has to end one day.

Be transparent and specific about the needed items required into the keychain and where to find them. Stop messing around. Or make a tool to recover them (why do I have to manually download public available certificate from your website?! what security does this add??? Why is having 2 certificates seem to be a nightmare and make it failed. Why if 2 provisioning for the same application only the first one is check. The automatic features is so broken, I cannot even understand how some make it work properly.

I undertand some cie make a living to unmess this broken thing (fastlane...). Trying to make this work into a CI is such a pain. Even ssh user under Mac OS doesn't behave the same way as GUI user login to use those cecrtificate, I had to make extra steps that are so obscure I cannot believe I had to do this (locking the keychain before unlocking it, because if the gui user has it unlock, the same ssh user cannot access it and unlock will do nothing since it's already unlock!).

Seriously, I wish the AppStore die and ***** win their cause, just because that signing process is such a pain, it run like a square wheel.

The name C y d i a got masked above wow, seriously?? Talk about cheap censoreship!
certificates are very painful for new developer apple you should keep a Youtube channel for iOS development and make a video on this strange thing we are new developer no one is teach me about certificate i can not find best tutorial about and i am lot's of worries i am not able to tolerate this type of pain
Same problem for me,xcode11.3, The above answer is not work for me. 、 please help me。

Same problem for me after I create a network extension. My Company has a capacity to develop network extension. But me as a developer of my Company do not have a capacity to develop it. This is really a nonsense.

This drove me crazy - going around in circles, revoking certificates, downloading random certificates etc etc. It turns out it was, as another poster has said, my system date and time wasn't set as automatic when it should be, so when I was revoking and installing new certificates, the times didn't match exactly and the certificates weren't showing as valid in Xcode. I deleted the current development certificate in my keychain, reset my time and date to be automatically set from the apple server. restarted my machine, checked the time was correct, opened Xcode, revoked the current certificate to force a new one to download, then it all seemed to work.

the reason my time wasn't set to automatic was there's a bug in date and time which causes the location to be incorrect (I am in London but it comes up as Berlin as my location, so I had manually set my time.)

Your account already has a signing certificate for this machine but it is not present in your keychain. To create a new one, you must first revoke the existing certificate.